1. 画出运行结果 (6分)
;********** r3 **************
(setq x1 2 xm 7)
(setq y1 2 ym 7)
(command "line" (list x1 y1) (list xm y1) (list xm ym) (list x1 ym) "c")
(setq xx x1)
(repeat 4
(setq xx (+ xx 1))
(command "line" (list xx y1) (list xx ym) "")
2. 画出运行结果 (10分)
Command: LINE
From point: 5,0
To point: 0,0
To point: 2,4
To point: 2,0
To point: <回车>
Command: LINE
From point: 5,4
To point: 2,4
To point: 2,3.6
To point: 5,3.6
To point: <回车>
Command: PLINE
From point: 4,0
current line-width is 0.0000
Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<Endpoint of line>: 4,2
Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<Endpoint of line>: A
Angle/CEnter/Close/Direction/Halfwidth/Line/Radius/Second pt/Undo/Width/<Endpoint of arc>: 5,3
Angle/CEnter/Close/Direction/Halfwidth/Line/Radius/Second pt/Undo/Width/<Endpoint of arc>: <回车>
Command: MIRROR
Select objects: C
First corner: 0,0
Other corner: 5,4
Select object: <回车>
2. 画出运行结果 (12分)
Command: ARC
Center point/<Start point>: 5,5
Center/End/<Second point>: 4.5,6
End point: 5,7
Command: MIRROR
Select objects: L
Select object: <回车>
First point of mirror line: 5,5
Second point: 5,7
Delete old objects?<N>: <回车>
Command: MIRROR
Select objects: C
First corner: 4,5
Other corner: 6,7
Select objects: <回车>
First point of mirror line: 5,5
Second point: @1<150
Delete old objects?<N>: <回车>
Command: MIRROR
Select objects: C
First corner: 4,5
Other corner: 6,7
Select objects: <回车>
First point of mirror line: 5,5
Second point: @1<30
Delete old objects?<N>: <回车>
Command: CIRCLE
3P/2P/TTR/<Center point>: 5,5
Diameter/<Radious>: 2
First point of mirror line: 5,0
Second point: 5,5
Delete old objects?<N>: <回车>