求大牛们 帮下忙
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答案:1 悬赏:0 手机版
解决时间 2021-04-28 18:54
- 提问者网友:树红树绿
- 2021-04-27 20:02
Advertising improves the quantity rather than the quality of the products sold. Do you agree? 或者 Earlier technology changed our lives more than recent technology. Do you agree?
- 五星知识达人网友:逐風
- 2021-04-27 20:07
Some peopl e thi nk that the earl i er technol ogy has changed our l i fe more than the recent technol ogy. Do you agree or di sagree? Technol ogy, ol d or new, has i ndeed made our l i fe di fferent. We no l onger amaze at tel ephones, computers, Internet, or cars, al l of whi ch are now j ust i ndi spensabl e to our l i fe. But technol ogi es vary i n nature and appl i cati on, and we shoul d not wei ght thei r i mportance merel y i n terms of the ti me of thei r devel opment. Fi rst of al l , earl i er technol ogy and l ater technol ogy, i n many ci rcumstances, are compl i mentary to each other, and serve di fferent peopl e for vari ous purposes. For exampl e, tel ephone made i ts fi rst appearance approxi matel y two centuri es ago. Si nce then, peopl e’s di stance and space has been shortened by thi s amazi ng i nventi on. Modern technol ogy has made numerous breakthroughs i n the fi el d of tel ecommuni cati on, parti cul arl y wi th the emergence of computer and i nformati on technol ogy. A number of the new technol ogi es, i n some ways, have taken some of the turf of tel ephone. The younger generati on spends a maj or part of ti me tal ki ng and communi cati ng vi a Internet- based technol ogy such as OICQ. Overl appi ng as the ol d and new technol ogy i n communi cati on, each woul dn’t be compl ete wi thout the other. As a resul t, i t woul d not make much sense to j udge the si gni fi cance of technol ogi es onl y by ti me. Second, i t woul d not be fai r and reasonabl e to compare technol ogi es i n di fferent fi el ds. Say, does i t make any sense to compare engi ne wi th computer chi p? The former i s used i n trai ns, ai rpl anes, and cars, whi l e the l ater dri ves computer to perform thousands of tasks. Just pretty much l i ke we coul d not compare an appl e wi th an orange, we coul d not l ogi cal l y make compari son between technol ogi es i n di fferent fi el ds. However, many of the modern technol ogi es do attri bute thei r devel opment to earl i er ones. Wi thout the devel opment of power pl ant, we probabl y sti l l use candl es for l i ght i nstead of l amp or bul b, not to menti on other el ectri ci ty-powered home appl i ances. In concl usi on, ol d technol ogy and new technol ogy are both i mportant to our l i fe. Even some new technol ogi es are based on ol der ones, they are devel oped and used i n di fferent areas. It i s hard or even unreasonabl e to compare thei r si gni fi cance by the ti me of thei r appearance.